Friday, March 04, 2011


Last weekend I had the incredible opportunity to spend three days aboard Wings III sailing and snorkeling the Whitsunday Islands. The fish! The coral! The seasickness! I positive now the best way to diet is by spending time on a sailboat. The chef onboard served us food for kings: BBQ, pastas, salads, fresh fruit and veggies, carrot cake and chocolate cookies, but by day two I was so queasy from the rocking I couldn't eat! And this never happens. I am never not hungry.

Highlights from the trip:

  • scuba diving for the first time off of Hook Island
  • walking on the ocean floor
  • seeing Nemo
  • chasing sting rays and reef sharks in the shallow waters of Whitehaven Beach
  • the sand at Whitehaven, the most beautiful and soft sand I have ever seen
  • stinger suits!
  • stargazing - no better way to see the galaxy than on a sailboat in the middle of the ocean
  • cup of jo before a 7 a.m. snorkel